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Georgia Morning Sun

Whiskey "Doc" Holliday

I never wanted a small dog. Whiskey "Doc" Holliday aka Doc aka ittle bittle was born in February of 2005 and the minute I met him I new there was something special about him. My husband and I married in May of 2005 and Doc became our wedding gift from my husband's parents and over 15 years later he still keeps up with the younger dogs. Doc is a wired hair dachshund and lives up to his name. He is tenacious and resilient which is a my nice way of saying he's stubborn and has no fear. He had to be tough growing up in a home with 2 huskies and a black lab, but he has always stood his ground and the bigger and younger dogs give him a wide berth when he walks through the room.


Freckles, she’s my “Best Girl” and is as sweet as can be. Also known as Friggity Freckles she was born in 2014 near Gainesville, GA. Originally she belonged to a young man that didn’t realize what he was getting into when he adopted a husky mix. He was a full-time student, working full-time and so on. Thankfully he got in touch with our friend Kristin Sarkar at Releash Atlanta (that’s if you are looking to adopt or would like to make a donation) and she contacted my husband, Matt. The timing was perfect. That was in August of 2015.

We went to meet the owner and “Oreo”, that was Freckles original name, the following weekend. As soon as I saw her I was in love. This messy, defeated looking blue-eyed beauty that meagerly stepped out of the woods where she was chained to a tree stole my heart and the first thing that popped into my head was “Freckles”. That was it, I had already given her a name, she was going home with me.

Getting her home was it’s own adventure. Freckles was practically wild. She was not house trained or used to being in a vehicle at all. As soon as the truck started she peed. That’s easy enough to clean up. As soon as the truck started moving she started throwing up. I crawled in the back seat with her and held her head next to my heart while we slowly started our way home. She had finally settled down by the time we got home.

The next part is always tricky when rescuing a dog, introducing them to our other dogs. It went better than I could imagine. Our black lab, Drake, and her were fast friends and Doc eventually got over his issues with having another dog in the house. 

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